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    KROENERT GmbH & Co. KG

    Schützenstr. 105


    +49 40 85393-01

    Laminating of Paper, Foils, and Films Capitalize on our process know-how in lamination of paper, foils (aluminum, copper, etc.), and films (PE, PP, PET, etc.). You will get the optimum machine solution for your application, regardless of whether the coating compound is applied in aqueous, solvent-containing, fusible, or 100% solid form (chemically crosslinked or crosslinked by irradiation). Materials that can be laminated: Plastic films, paper, cardboard, metal foils, fleece materials, interlaced yarns, and textiles Examples of End Products Packings of food and luxury foodstuffs (coffee, cheese, sweets, cigarettes, etc.) Washing agent packings Packings of pharmaceutical products Medical disposables (tissues, PE) Household and cleaning articles (vacuum cleaner bags, cleaning tissues, etc.) Building protection (facade foils, insulating materials, etc.) Decorative packagings Electronic products (e.g. computer chips) System Solutions In connection with their different components, such as coating systems, dryers, winders, and web guiding elements, our RECO and PAK systems are the basis for selection of the production line configuration that meets all your requirements. Safe Investment In the run-up to installation of your specific production line, we offer you the additional service of testing the configuration in practice and by means of test runs on our production lines in the Kroenert Technology Center. We will thoroughly check all your processing requirements. This will secure your investment. Service & Support Once the production line has been installed, we will support you in every respect to achieve optimum efficiency; we will train the operators, make necessary adaptations to the production line, etc.

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